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how it works

Hormonal imbalances can subtly affect your well-being, leading to various symptoms that impact your daily life. At Her Form, we simplify the process of identifying and managing these imbalances, so you can regain your health without hassle.

Here’s how we can help:

1. At-Home Testing: Professional nurses deliver convenient testing directly to your home.

2. Customized Health Packages: Select from targeted packages for fertility, menopause, and more.

3. Expert Support: Engage with our naturopath for personalized consultations and join a community of like-minded women via our Telegram group.

4. Lifestyle Guidance: Receive actionable advice on nutrition, supplementation, exercise, and lifestyle adjustments to optimize your hormonal health.


From our happy clients

ANNA, 34.
"Discovering Her Form was a turning point for me. The detailed analysis of high prolactin levels, which had been previously overlooked, led me to conceive naturally within six months."
"I've finally regained control over my body and my emotional wellbeing, thanks to understanding my high estrogen levels and the tailored advice I received."
NINA, 49
"Navigating menopause became less daunting with Her Form. The comprehensive tests and community support transformed my approach to this new phase of life."


Essential Hormone Insight - 23 biomarkers

Our Essential Hormone Insight Package is designed to give you an essential look at your hormonal health. Perfect for those starting their journey towards better understanding their body, this package covers critical hormone markers to provide valuable insights.

IDR 4,450,000

Fertility insights - 36 biomarkers

Understanding your fertility should be straightforward. That's why our fertility tests are designed to give you clear insights without the complexity. By evaluating essential hormones, we provide you with the information you need, directly and conveniently, to guide your personal or family planning journey.

IDR 11,995,000

Hormonal harmony - 32 biomarkers

Imbalance can affect everything from your mood to your metabolism. Our tests cut through the confusion, offering an easy way to assess your hormonal health. With a simple at-home blood draw, you’re on your way to understanding the balance of your body’s hormones, helping you feel more in tune with yourself.

IDR 12,495,000

Menopause transition - 31 biomarkers

Navigating menopause is a significant phase in a woman's life, and knowledge is power. Many women don’t know, that there are different stages of Menopause. Pre Menopause starts in your 30ies and causes hormonal imbalances. Our menopause tests provide valuable insights into where you stand in the transition, all from the comfort of your home.

IDR 9,995,000

Essential Hormone Insight - 23 biomarkers

Our Essential Hormone Insight Package is designed to give you an essential look at your hormonal health. Perfect for those starting their journey towards better understanding their body, this package covers critical hormone markers to provide valuable insights.

IDR 4,450,000

Fertility insights - 36 biomarkers

Understanding your fertility should be straightforward. That's why our fertility tests are designed to give you clear insights without the complexity. By evaluating essential hormones, we provide you with the information you need, directly and conveniently, to guide your personal or family planning journey.

IDR 11,995,000

Hormonal harmony - 32 biomarkers

Imbalance can affect everything from your mood to your metabolism. Our tests cut through the confusion, offering an easy way to assess your hormonal health. With a simple at-home blood draw, you’re on your way to understanding the balance of your body’s hormones, helping you feel more in tune with yourself.

IDR 12,495,000

Menopause transition - 31 biomarkers

Navigating menopause is a significant phase in a woman's life, and knowledge is power. Many women don’t know, that there are different stages of Menopause. Pre Menopause starts in your 30ies and causes hormonal imbalances. Our menopause tests provide valuable insights into where you stand in the transition, all from the comfort of your home.

IDR 9,995,000

hormonal harmony

Achieving hormonal balance is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being. At Her Form, we understand the unique challenges you face in Bali, from navigating complex healthcare environments to overcoming language barriers and the inconveniences of traditional testing methods. Our Hormonal Balance Package is designed to simplify the process of achieving and maintaining optimal hormonal health.


Understanding your fertility is a crucial aspect of planning for the future for many women and couples. Despite the challenges, the path to understanding doesn't have to be complicated. Her Form simplifies this process with our Fertility Insights Package, shedding light on the key hormonal factors affecting conception. We remove the obstacles of navigating Bali's complex healthcare landscape, providing you with clear, actionable insights.

With Her Form, you're not just taking a test; you're taking a step towards realizing your dreams of starting or growing your family, equipped with knowledge and support.


Menopause is a natural phase in a woman’s life, marked by transition not just physically, but emotionally and mentally. Despite the challenges, including symptoms experienced by up to 75% of women, menopause also represents a period of empowerment and new beginnings. Our Menopause Transition Package is designed to guide you through this phase with grace and understanding. We offer personalized testing and insights to help illuminate the path through menopause, enabling you to embrace this stage of life fully.

With Her Form, the journey through menopause is one of discovery and adaptation, supported by clear, actionable insights into your changing hormonal landscape.

Benefits of Her Form

Optimal health marker accuracy
We utilize precise, optimal health marker ranges. This advanced approach allows for the early detection and effective management of subtle hormonal imbalances, ensuring that each health strategy is finely tuned to your individual needs.
Personalized expert guidance
Personalized guidance provided by our naturopath specialists. With their deep understanding of hormonal health, they interpret your test results within the broader context of your overall health, offering customized insights and actionable steps tailored specifically for you.
Convenient at-home testing
Enjoy the ultimate convenience of our at-home testing services. Our professional nurses conduct testing in the comfort of your own home, eliminating the need for stressful clinic visits and saving you valuable time.
Community and support
Connect with a supportive community of women who share similar health journeys. Gain access to our exclusive Telegram group where you can share experiences, receive encouragement, and find motivation from peers who understand your health challenges.
Optimal health marker accuracy
We utilize precise, optimal health marker ranges. This advanced approach allows for the early detection and effective management of subtle hormonal imbalances, ensuring that each health strategy is finely tuned to your individual needs.
Personalized expert guidance
Personalized guidance provided by our naturopath specialists. With their deep understanding of hormonal health, they interpret your test results within the broader context of your overall health, offering customized insights and actionable steps tailored specifically for you.
Convenient at-home testing
Enjoy the ultimate convenience of our at-home testing services. Our professional nurses conduct testing in the comfort of your own home, eliminating the need for stressful clinic visits and saving you valuable time.
Community and support
Connect with a supportive community of women who share similar health journeys. Gain access to our exclusive Telegram group where you can share experiences, receive encouragement, and find motivation from peers who understand your health challenges.
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Is this you?

  • Waking up tired despite a full night's sleep?
  • Experiencing unexpected emotional shifts?
  • Dealing with an unpredictable menstrual cycle?
  • Noticing unexplained changes in your weight?
  • Planning to start a family and looking for clarity?

If you answered yes to any of these, it's time to listen to what your body is trying to tell you. At Her Form, we offer a seamless process to uncover the stories your hormones are telling, empowering you with the knowledge to achieve hormonal balance.


Essential Hormone Insight - 23 biomarkers

Our Essential Hormone Insight Package is designed to give you an essential look at your hormonal health. Perfect for those starting their journey towards better understanding their body, this package covers critical hormone markers to provide valuable insights.

IDR 4,450,000

Fertility insights - 36 biomarkers

Understanding your fertility should be straightforward. That's why our fertility tests are designed to give you clear insights without the complexity. By evaluating essential hormones, we provide you with the information you need, directly and conveniently, to guide your personal or family planning journey.

IDR 11,995,000

Hormonal harmony - 32 biomarkers

Imbalance can affect everything from your mood to your metabolism. Our tests cut through the confusion, offering an easy way to assess your hormonal health. With a simple at-home blood draw, you’re on your way to understanding the balance of your body’s hormones, helping you feel more in tune with yourself.

IDR 12,495,000

Menopause transition - 31 biomarkers

Navigating menopause is a significant phase in a woman's life, and knowledge is power. Many women don’t know, that there are different stages of Menopause. Pre Menopause starts in your 30ies and causes hormonal imbalances. Our menopause tests provide valuable insights into where you stand in the transition, all from the comfort of your home.

IDR 9,995,000

Essential Hormone Insight - 23 biomarkers

Our Essential Hormone Insight Package is designed to give you an essential look at your hormonal health. Perfect for those starting their journey towards better understanding their body, this package covers critical hormone markers to provide valuable insights.

IDR 4,450,000

Fertility insights - 36 biomarkers

Understanding your fertility should be straightforward. That's why our fertility tests are designed to give you clear insights without the complexity. By evaluating essential hormones, we provide you with the information you need, directly and conveniently, to guide your personal or family planning journey.

IDR 11,995,000

Hormonal harmony - 32 biomarkers

Imbalance can affect everything from your mood to your metabolism. Our tests cut through the confusion, offering an easy way to assess your hormonal health. With a simple at-home blood draw, you’re on your way to understanding the balance of your body’s hormones, helping you feel more in tune with yourself.

IDR 12,495,000

Menopause transition - 31 biomarkers

Navigating menopause is a significant phase in a woman's life, and knowledge is power. Many women don’t know, that there are different stages of Menopause. Pre Menopause starts in your 30ies and causes hormonal imbalances. Our menopause tests provide valuable insights into where you stand in the transition, all from the comfort of your home.

IDR 9,995,000


The content on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Always consult your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions regarding a medical condition. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it based on what you have read here.

Liability Notice: PT FORM LIFE BALI is not liable for any outcomes from using this site. Always seek direct advice from your health provider. Learn More.


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